Privacy Policy for YourName

Welcome to the Privacy Policy for YourName, the dating app that connects you with like-minded individuals! In this Policy, we explain how we collect, store, protect, and use your information. We recommend that you read this Policy in conjunction with our Terms and Conditions of Use.

As you use the YourName app on your mobile device (including the desktop version), visit our website (such as, or take part in our digital products and services (such as our surveys or competitions), we collect some information about you. You may also choose to share information with other users, including your friends and contacts, using the app or our sites.

We do not share your collected information with any third parties. Your data is only used to provide you with the best possible experience on our app and sites, as well as to improve our services. We take great care to protect your personal data and use it in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Please read this Policy carefully to understand how we use and protect your information.

1. Who We Are

Welcome to YourName dating app. We are the company behind the app, and we refer to ourselves as “the Company” or “we” in this privacy policy. We are based in New York and operate as the controller of the personal information collected and processed through YourName dating app and site.

Thank you for using YourName dating app. We are committed to maintaining the privacy and security of your personal information.

2. Where This Privacy Policy Applies

This Privacy Policy applies to YourName dating app, as well as any other services, events, or websites we operate under the YourName brand. For simplicity, we refer to all of these as our “services” in this Privacy Policy. To ensure easy access, we have included links to this Privacy Policy on all relevant services.

Please note that some services may have their own unique privacy policy, which will supersede this Privacy Policy. If a service has its own privacy policy, that policy – not this Privacy Policy – will apply to that specific service.

3. Information We Collect

At YourName dating app, we understand that to help you develop meaningful connections, we need some information about you. This includes basic profile details, as well as the types of people you are interested in meeting. We may also collect information about your use of our services, such as access logs, to help us improve your user experience.

In addition, we may collect information from third parties when you access our services through your social media account or when you upload information from your social media account to complete your profile. We want to be transparent about the information we collect, and if you would like additional information, please refer to the more detailed explanation below.

Information you give us

At YourName dating app, we collect information from you when you use our services. This may include:

  • Your phone number and email address, along with some basic details necessary for the service to work, such as your gender, date of birth, and the types of people you are interested in meeting, when you create an account.
  • Additional information you choose to share with us, such as your sexual orientation, ethnicity, religious beliefs, and political opinions, when you complete your profile. If you provide this information, you consent to our using it for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. You can also add other details to your profile, such as your bio and interests, and share content like photos, videos, and audio clips by granting us access to your camera, photo album, or microphone.
  • Information related to the purchases you make, including your debit or credit card number or other financial information, if you subscribe to a paid service or make a purchase directly from us.
  • The insights, responses, and testimonials you provide about our products and services if you participate in surveys, focus groups, or market studies.
  • The information you use to register or enter if you choose to participate in our promotions, events, or contests.
  • The information you provide during interactions with us, such as when you contact us through our customer care team or on social media.
  • Information about other people that you share with us, such as a friend’s contact details for a given feature. We process this information on your behalf to fulfill your request.
  • Your chats with other users and the content you publish to operate and secure our services and ensure the safety of our community.
Information we receive from others

Along with the information you provide us directly, we may also receive information about you from third parties, including:

  • Users: Our users may provide information about you as they use our services. This could include interactions they have with you or if they submit a report involving you.
  • Social Media: You may choose to share information with us through your social media account. For example, you may decide to create and log into your YourName account via your social media or other account (e.g., Facebook, Google, or Apple) or to upload information, such as photos from one of your social media accounts (e.g., Facebook or Instagram), onto our services.
  • Other Partners: We may receive information about you from our partners where our ads are published on their service. In these cases, they may pass along details on a campaign’s success. We may also receive information about suspected or convicted bad actors from third parties, where legally allowed, as part of our efforts to ensure our users’ safety and security.
Information generated or automatically collected when you use our services

When you use our services, technical data is generated about your usage, including which features you’ve used, how you’ve used them, and the devices you use to access our services. For more information, please refer to the details below.

  • Usage Information. Your activity on our services generates data, including how you use them (e.g., log-in times, feature usage, actions taken, information shown to you, referring webpage addresses, and ads with which you interacted), and your interactions with other users (e.g., users with whom you connect and interact, and when you matched and exchanged messages with them).
  • Device Information. We collect information about the device(s) you use to access our services, which may include hardware and software details such as your IP address, device ID, device type, app settings, and characteristics, as well as information on app crashes and any associated advertising IDs. Please note that advertising IDs are randomly generated numbers that you can reset by going into your device’s settings, and in some cases, disable entirely. Additionally, we may collect identifiers associated with cookies or other technologies that can uniquely identify a device or browser.

Information collected by cookies and similar technologies

We use cookies and similar technologies, such as web beacons, pixels, and SDKs, to recognize you and/or your device(s). For more information on why we use these technologies and how you can control their use, please refer to our Cookie Policy .  

Certain web browsers (including Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome) offer a “Do Not Track” (“DNT”) feature, which allows users to indicate that they do not want their online activity to be tracked. If a website that responds to a DNT signal receives such a signal, the browser may prevent that website from collecting certain information about the user. However, DNT signals are not yet universal, and not all browsers support this feature. As a result, many businesses, including YOUR NAME dating app, do not currently respond to DNT signals.

Additional information with your consent

  • Precise geolocation data: With your consent, we may collect your precise geolocation (latitude and longitude) from your device. The collection of your geolocation may occur in the background even when you aren’t using the services, if the permission you gave us expressly permits such collection. If you decline permission for us to collect your precise geolocation, we will not collect it, and our services that rely on precise geolocation may not be available to you.
  • Selfie Verification data: If you use our Selfie Verification feature, we collect your face geometry data to confirm your identity. This data may be considered biometric data in some jurisdictions. Learn more about Selfie Verification and how we handle your face geometry data here.
  • Other information: We may also collect other information with your permission, such as photos and videos, if you choose to publish them or participate in streaming features on our services.

4. How We Use Information

We value your privacy and are committed to using your information responsibly. Our primary reason for collecting and using your information is to provide you with excellent service and continuously improve our offerings. Additionally, we utilize your information to ensure your safety and that of our community, as well as to provide you with relevant advertising. Please continue reading for a detailed explanation of the purposes for which we use your information, along with practical examples.

A. To administer your account and provide our services to you, which includes

  • Allow you to create and manage your account
  • Provide prompt and effective customer support to address your inquiries and requests
  • Keep you informed about our services and any updates or changes to them
  • Tailor pricing, discounts, and promotions to your preferences and complete transactions on your behalf
  • Manage sweepstakes and contests in which you choose to participate

B. To help you connect with other users on our dating app

  • Recommendation system: We recommend users to you and recommend you to other users based on factors such as your profile information, activity on the app, and preferences.
  • Profile browsing: You can browse through other users’ profiles and view their basic information, photos, and interests. Likewise, other users can view your profile and learn more about you.
  • Search functionality: You can use our search feature to find other users based on specific criteria such as age, location, and interests. You can also send and receive messages with other users to start a conversation and get to know them better.

C. To provide offers and operate advertising and marketing campaigns

  • To operate advertising and marketing campaigns: We use your information to create and run advertising campaigns and measure their effectiveness in promoting our services.
  • Perform and measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns on our services: We analyze the data collected through these campaigns to optimize their performance and improve our services.
  • Marketing our services off our platform: We may also use your information to market our services through third-party channels outside of our platform, such as email marketing or social media advertising.
  • Communicate with you about products or services that we believe may interest you: We may use your contact information to communicate with you about products or services that we think may be relevant or interesting to you, based on your preferences and usage of our services.

D. We strive to continuously improve our services and develop new ones

  • Administer focus groups, market studies, and surveys to gain insights into user preferences and behaviors.
  • Review interactions with our customer care teams to identify areas where we can improve the quality of our service.
  • Understand how users typically use our services to identify areas for improvement. For example, we may decide to change the look and feel of a feature or substantially modify it based on how users react to it.
  • Develop new features and services based on user feedback and requests. For instance, we may decide to build a new interests-based feature in response to requests from our users.

E. To prevent, detect and fight fraud and other illegal or unauthorized activities

  • We actively monitor reports and interactions between members to identify ongoing, suspected, or alleged violations of our Terms of Use.
  • We use this information to better understand and design measures to prevent and address violations of our Terms of Use.
  • We may retain data related to violations of our Terms of Use in order to take appropriate action and prevent recurrence of such violations.
  • EWe may enforce or exercise our rights, as outlined in our Terms of Use, to address any violations and protect the interests of our platform and its users. 
  • We may communicate with individuals who submit reports to let them know what actions we’ve taken as a result of their submission.

F. To ensure legal compliance, our dating app:

  • Complies with all relevant legal requirements pertaining to data privacy and protection.
  • Assists law enforcement as required by law, including responding to lawful requests for user data or information.

To learn more about how we process personal information through profiling and automated decision-making, please refer to our FAQ section. 

To ensure that we process your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy, we rely on the following legal bases:

  • Provide our service to you:  We process your information for purposes A and B to fulfill our contractual obligations to you. As you use our service to build meaningful connections, we use your information to maintain your account and profile, make it visible to other users, recommend other users to you, and provide our free and paid features to you and other users.
  • Legitimate interests:  We process your information for purposes C, D, and E as described above, based on our legitimate interest. For example, we analyze users’ behavior on our services to improve our offerings continuously. We may also suggest offers we think might interest you and promote our services based on your information. We process information to ensure the safety of our users and to enforce our rights. Additionally, we may process data when necessary to assist law enforcement or to defend ourselves in the event of a legal action.
  • Comply with applicable laws and regulations:  At YourName dating app, we process your information for the purpose described in Section F of this Privacy Policy where it is necessary for us to comply with applicable laws and regulations and to evidence our compliance. This includes retaining traffic data and data about transactions in line with our accounting, tax, and other statutory data retention obligations. It also involves being able to respond to valid access requests from law enforcement. Additionally, we keep data that provides evidence of the consents users give us and any decisions they may have made to opt-out of a particular feature or processing.
  • Consent:  If you choose to provide us with information that may be considered “special” or “sensitive” in certain jurisdictions, such as your sexual orientation, we will process that information in accordance with this Privacy Policy, and your decision to provide such information constitutes your consent. From time to time, we may request your consent to collect specific information, such as your precise geolocation or to use your information for certain specific purposes. If you wish to withdraw your consent, you may do so by adjusting your settings (e.g., for the collection of precise geolocation) or by deleting any content you have submitted that may be considered “special” or “sensitive.” You may also withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at the address provided at the end of this Privacy Policy.

5. How We Share Information

At our dating app, YourName, we are committed to helping you build meaningful connections. To facilitate this, we primarily share users’ information with other users of our services. Additionally, we may share some users’ information with third-party service providers and partners who assist us in operating and improving our services. We may also share information with other companies within our group, as outlined in more detail below, and in some cases, legal authorities. Please read on to learn more about how we share your information with others.

  • With other users. When using YourName dating app, you may voluntarily disclose information about yourself to other users, such as through your public profile. We encourage you to be mindful of the information you share and ensure that it is content you are comfortable making visible to others. You have the option to limit the audience for all or part of your profile or certain content or information about you, according to your settings. In the event that someone submits a report involving you, such as a claim that you violated our Terms of Use, we may communicate to the reporter any actions we took as a result of their report. 

  • With our service providers and partners. We work with service providers and partners to help us operate, distribute, market, and improve our services. These vendors provide a range of services to us, such as data hosting and maintenance, analytics, customer care, marketing, advertising, payment processing, and security operations. We also share information with vendors who distribute and assist us in advertising our services. For example, we may share limited information about you in hashed, non-human readable form with advertising vendors.Before we engage any vendor or partner, we follow a strict vetting process to ensure that they meet our high standards for privacy and security. Our vendors and partners must agree to strict confidentiality obligations to protect the privacy of our users’ information.

  • For corporate transactions. We may need to transfer your information in the event that we are involved in a merger, sale, acquisition, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, bankruptcy, or any other change of ownership or control, either in whole or in part. Rest assured that we will take appropriate measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of your information during such transactions.

  • With law enforcement / when required by law. We may disclose your information in certain circumstances, including when required by law or law enforcement. Such disclosures may be necessary to:
    (i) comply with a legal process, such as a court order, subpoena, or search warrant, or to cooperate with a government/law enforcement investigation or other legal requirements;
    (ii) assist in the prevention or detection of crime, subject to applicable law;
    (iii) protect the safety of any person. Please note that any such disclosures will be made in accordance with applicable law and our data protection policies.

  • To enforce legal rights. To protect our legal rights and the legal rights of our users, business partners, or other parties, we may need to share your information in the following circumstances:
    (i) If we believe that disclosure would help mitigate our liability in an actual or threatened lawsuit;
    (ii) As necessary to safeguard and defend our legal rights, as well as those of our users, business partners, or other interested parties;
    (iii) To enforce our agreements with you;
    (iv) To investigate, prevent, or take other action related to illegal activity, suspected fraud, or other wrongdoing.

  • With your consent or at your request, we may share your information with third parties. In such cases, we will explain the reasons for sharing the information. We may use and share non-personal information (such as device information, general demographics, general behavioral data, location in de-identified form), as well as personal information in hashed, non-human readable form, for any of the reasons mentioned above. This information may also be shared with other YourName dating app companies and third parties (especially advertisers) to develop and provide targeted advertising on our services, as well as on third-party websites or applications. We may also analyze and report on the advertising you see by combining this information with additional non-personal information or personal information in hashed, non-human readable form obtained from other sources. For more information on how we use cookies and similar technologies, please refer to our Cookie Policy.

6. Cross-Border Data Transfers

We do not transfer any data outside of the United States. All personal information that we collect is stored and processed within the United States.

7. Your Rights and Choices

We believe that you should have control over your information, which is why we would like to bring your attention to the following options and tools available to you:

  • Access / Update tools in the service. We provide tools and account settings that allow you to access, correct, or delete information associated with your account directly within the service. If you have any questions about how to use these tools and settings, our customer care team is here to help. Please feel free to contact us for assistance. 

  • Device permissions. Mobile platforms may offer permission systems for specific types of device data and notifications, including phone contacts, pictures, location services, push notifications, and advertising identifiers. You can modify the settings on your device to either consent or opt-out of the collection or processing of the relevant information, or the display of corresponding notifications. It is important to note that modifying these settings may impact the functionality of certain services.

  • Uninstall. To stop all information collection by our app, you can simply uninstall it using the standard uninstall process for your device. It’s important to note that uninstalling the app does not automatically close your account. If you wish to close your account, please use the corresponding functionality within the service.

  • Account closure. You can easily close your account on our service by using the designated functionality within your account settings. 

We also want to ensure that you are aware of your privacy rights. These rights may vary depending on your location, and you may have the following options available to you:

  • Access. We respect your right to access and know the information we hold about you. If you wish to obtain a copy of your information, or receive it in a portable format, you may have the right to request this from us. You can exercise this right by submitting a request here.

  • Delete. You have the right to request the deletion of your personal information that we hold. If you would like to exercise this right, you can submit a request by contacting us here.

  • Update. You can edit most of the information you provided to us by accessing and updating your profile directly within the service. If you believe that any information we have about you is inaccurate, please contact us using the link provided here so that we can correct it.

  • Object. You may also have the right to object to or request that we restrict certain processing of your personal information. If you wish to exercise this right, please contact us using the following link here.

To ensure the protection of all our users, we may require proof of identity before responding to the requests mentioned above. It’s important to note that we reserve the right to reject requests that are unlawful or invalid, or that may infringe on trade secrets, intellectual property, or the privacy or other rights of others. If you’d like to receive information about another user, such as a copy of any messages you received from them through our service, that user will need to submit a separate request for their information, and we may also require proof of their identity before responding to the request. However, please be aware that certain requests to object to or restrict the processing of personal information may not be possible if they would prevent us from providing our service to you, such as if we require your date of birth to verify that you are 18 years of age or older.

If you are a Virginia resident and we deny your privacy request, you may be able to appeal by contacting us using the information provided on our website and explicitly referencing “Privacy Request Appeal”. If you remain concerned about the outcome of your appeal, you may wish to contact the attorney general in your state for further assistance.

If you have concerns about how we process your personal information, you may have the right to lodge a complaint with the appropriate data protection authority. This right may apply to you if you are located in certain countries, including the European Economic Area and the United Kingdom. You can find information about your data protection regulator in the European Economic Area here, and in the United Kingdom here. The data protection authority you can lodge a complaint with may be the one of your habitual residence, where you work, or where an alleged infringement took place.

8. How Long We Retain Your Information

We understand the importance of keeping your personal information safe and secure. As such, we will only retain your information for as long as we need it for legitimate business purposes (as described in Section 4) and as permitted by applicable law. If you choose to stop using our services, you can close your account and your profile will no longer be visible to other users. Please note that if your account remains inactive for two years, we will automatically close it. Once your account is closed, we will delete your personal information in accordance with the guidelines outlined below:

  • To ensure the safety and security of our users, we have implemented a safety retention window of three months following the closure of your account. This means that we will keep your information during this period in case it is necessary to investigate any unlawful or harmful conduct. Our decision to retain information during this safety retention window is based on our legitimate interest in protecting the safety of our users, as well as that of potential third-party victims.

  • After the safety retention window has passed, we delete your data and retain only a limited amount of information for specific purposes, as outlined below:

  • A) We understand the importance of complying with legal data retention obligations, and thus we maintain limited data. Specifically, we retain transaction data for 10 years to comply with tax and accounting requirements. We may also need to keep “traffic data” or logs for one year to meet legal data retention obligations. Additionally, to demonstrate our compliance with applicable law, we keep records of the consents users give us for five years.

  • B) We maintain limited information on the basis of our legitimate interest to provide our services effectively and ensure the safety and security of our users. This may include customer care records and supporting data, as well as imprecise location data to support our customer care decisions, enforce our rights, and defend ourselves in the event of a claim. We also retain profile data in anticipation of potential litigation and for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims. Additionally, we keep data necessary to prevent banned users or individuals under the age of 18 from opening a new account, for as long as necessary to protect the vital interests of our users.

  • C) We maintain information based on our legitimate interest in cases where there may be an unresolved issue, claim, or dispute that requires us to keep the information. This includes situations where we receive a valid legal subpoena or request to preserve data, in which case we are obligated to keep the data to comply with legal requirements, or if the data would be necessary as part of legal proceedings.

9. No Children Allowed

To use our services, you must be 18 years of age or older. We do not allow anyone under the age of 18 on our platform, and if we become aware of a user who is underage, we ask that you report them using the reporting mechanism available on our service. Thank you for helping us maintain a safe and welcoming community.

10. Job Candidates, Contractors and Vendor Representatives

We understand the importance of respecting the personal information of our job candidates, contractors, and vendor representatives. As part of our recruitment and talent management operations, and in managing the services provided by contractors and vendors, we process personal information of these individuals. If you fall under any of these categories and have provided us with your personal information, certain relevant terms of this Privacy Policy will apply to the processing of your personal information by Hinge. These terms include, but are not limited to, the entity responsible for processing your personal information, how transfers of personal information are handled, the rights you may have under applicable law, and how to contact us  and California-specific information.

If you are applying for a job at our company, we may collect and process personal information about you, including the information you provide as part of your job application, as well as professional qualifications, background, and reference information that recruiters or other third parties share with us. We use this information to support the recruitment process, which may lead to an employment contract.

For contractors and vendor representatives, we may need to process identification information and work-related information to manage our relationship with you and your employer. This processing is necessary for the performance of the services agreement, and to establish, exercise, or defend potential legal claims.

We may share your personal information with service providers who assist us with recruitment and technical data processing operations. We will only keep your personal information for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected.

11. Privacy Policy Changes

At YourName, we are constantly exploring new and innovative ways to assist you in forming meaningful connections, and we endeavor to keep our data handling practices up-to-date. As a result, this policy may be updated from time to time. However, rest assured that we will always inform you before any significant changes take effect, allowing you ample time to review and understand the updated policy.

12. How to Contact Us

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, you can contact us here. We strive to respond to all inquiries in a timely manner, but please note that response times may vary depending on the volume of messages we receive. If you have a specific question or concern, please be as detailed as possible in your email so that we can assist you more efficiently. Thank you for your interest in contacting us, we look forward to hearing from you!

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